Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mass Effect: Playtest Reports!

Holy crap, the first trial run of the Mass Effect Tabletop game rocked something FIERCE. I have the best playtesters.

Check out the full gallery; it's got screenshots from throughout the session & an explanation for how you can run a web game like this yourself!



Kyle said...

The game looks really awesome, but how do you go about creating a character?

AC-Guy said...

So did this go anywhere? Also the year long break kinda worries me.

Not that I'm really in a position to talk....

Dagda (Brooks Harrel) said...

Quick answer: Yeah. Several months of playtests provided some useful hard lessons on which sacred cows to butcher and replace.

And then the playtest campaign evolved to the point where it was too awesome to not become the main priority. So I shoved this whole system aside and started running the game using a lady blackbird hack, because that (rather than in-depth tactical combat systems) could properly support the story that was emerging.

Dagda (Brooks Harrel) said...

Said game's still being run. fireteamdorks.tumblr.com will have proper logs. . .someday. . .